
What is this Virtual Arcade All About ?

In the first half of 2020 the COVID-19 Pandemic started to hit the world scene. Bringing about unprecedented change across the globe. As Final year students and staff we where gearing up towards the final part of the semester and graduate showcases in Winchester and London. All of this changed when the UK went into lock down. But undeterred not only did we move all our teaching online and our student teams went to fully remote working. We built this Virtual Arcade.

Originally the WSA Virtual Arcade was created to give early access to BA Games Design & Art Final Projects of 2020, it now runs every year.

User testing is a huge part of the course here at WSA and we have a series of on and off campus events that help push forward all the final projects.

Each Game can be downloaded here (via itch.io links) and then what we really want is constructive feedback, critique and commentary, in either video play through links or comments on each of the game feedback pages. The games are all work in progress (wip) and so your feedback will directly impact future iterations of the games all the way through until the handin in June.

Please share the homepage around your games studios and with your friends. Tell them about WSA’s Virtual Arcade.