BA Games Design & Art Virtual Arcade
WSA - University of Southampton

Final Major Projects


2023 #wsagames

The Tower of Babel is a single-player exploration game in which players aim to unlock The Tower at the centre of their universe using their voice as a key. There, they aim to provide an answer to the question: “where have all the words gone?”

Ravaged by falling debris and celestial bodies, the world of “Kessler” is destroyed and in a post-apocalyptic state, society has become divided living in secluded undergrown bunkers in order to ensure the survival of humans. The game follows a young resident of one of these bunkers.

Having been decimated during The Raze, an event in which the planet has passed too close to the sun, the world has been decimated. With the protectors of the world (The Guardians) left ravaged by a deadly Blight, life struggles in caverns underneath the surface.

Stik-Up has you control the chopsticks being held by an office worker, undergoing tasks in the workspace. You’ll have to see how quickly you can achieve ordinarily simple activities —like carrying a cup of coffee— and deal with pesky coworkers getting in your way, when there’s the barrier of using chopsticks to achieve your goals.

It’s ok to take a breather, even if that means packing up your bags and heading for the mountains. Sadly, it’s easier said than done, but what If we brought the mountains to you? Head over to the Getaway to experience a fully immersive 360-degree environment.

Gueraden is a single player experience where the player needs to grow vegetables to feed their community.

Relax and improve your mental wellbeing with Cogshel – a 2D single-player mobile game where you are responsible for nurturing pets at your animal shelter.

It’s ok to take a breather, even if that means packing up your bags and heading for the mountains. Sadly, it’s easier said than done, but what If we brought the mountains to you? Head over to the Getaway to experience a fully immersive 360-degree environment.

The Sailor’s Guide to Game Design is a virtual-novel-based game. Players experience a virtual novel and make their own one in the end. This is the tutorial game of how to make games.